Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Old Stuff

So here's my recap about the returning shows that I've been keeping up with: 90210, Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Grey's Anatomy, Glee, and Vampire Diaries. I don't think I'll get to them all but we'll see how far I get before getting interrupted at work. :)

Let's start with Glee since it just aired last night so it's fresh in mind. I loves me some Brittany S. Pears. Next to Sue Sylvester, Brittany has the best one liners in each episode and I love how they're always peppered in randomly and in moderation. Last night's episode, although filled with quippy lines from our beloved Brittany, I feel to get the full impact of her witty Brittany-isms, they need to occur sporadically and randomly so that they take you off guard. Nevertheless, each time Brittany opened her mouth, which was a lot this episode, I LOL'd. The musical numbers were a bit of a let down. Instead of just recreating Britney's music videos, I would've much rather them incorporate the music like they usually do, as part of their rehearsals or woven into the plot. As much as I love episodes that are jam packed with random musical numbers, I also enjoy it when there is actual plot development and we learn more about each of the characters. But in any case, based on the first 2 episodes of the season, Glee has gotten off to a good start for its sophomore season. I hope to see more episodes like the first half of season 1 where the dialogue was funnier and the musical numbers were better and less random.

Vampire Diaries
So how hot is evil Elena aka Katherine? Vampire Diaries is a rare gem in the CW collection of shows. Not only does this show have the hottest cast on television, it also has substance. Pop culture has been oversaturized with vampires lately with the whole Twilight phenomenom and True Blood. But with vampires that look this good, I don't mind at all. Vampire Diaries doesn't really offer anything new in the whole Vampire/Werewolf lore, but the stories that are presented exciting and suspenseful. There really isn't a villain in the series (other than Katherine) and she didn't really show up until this season. Even Damon, the not-as-nice vampire brother, has a soft spot and isn't all bad. I'm glad they're introducing werewolves this season. What's a good vampire story without werewolves? I'm excited to see how they're going to put vampire vs werewolf and definitely looking forward to seeing more of Tyler Lockwood's arms.

Desperate Housewives
Casting Vanessa Williams as the new housewife was brilliant. Although I never watched Ugly Betty, I hear she can play quite the villainess and that's exactly what Wisteria Lane needs. Other than Katherine (Dana Delaney), I haven't really been fond of the other housewives that have been brought in. Their story lines fell flat and never really made you care about what happened to them. Based on the first episode, this season is really shaping up to be one of the best seasons for this show.

Brothers and Sisters
Brothers and Sisters is one of those sleeper shows that you don't really hear a lot about, but is so damn good. It's probably in my list of top 3 shows. The writing is so consistently good filled with smart dialogue that makes you laugh and cry. The dynamic within the Walker family is so great that it makes you want to be a Walker. This season picks up one year after the tragic car crash that ended the last season. The family, for the most part, has healed. Kitty is forced to pull the plug on Robert after being in a coma for a year. Sarah is closing the deal on Narrow Lakes and is about to make the family a boat load of money ($55 million!). Justin went off to war again and now has returned as a much wiser and more mature Justin. Kevin has spent the year working on pro bono cases and is on the verge of taking in a wayward teen with his partner Scotty. If you don't watch this show already, Netflix the first 4 or 5 seasons! It's really a great show and you will not regret it!

Alright i think that's all the time i have right now.....more to come.

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