Monday, August 25, 2008

Ugh go away.

The school year has officially begun. And it sucks. The last couple weeks at work have been super hectic and now that the students are back, it's just going to get worse. The 7:35am tram from union station to campus is usually empty but today it was jam packed and i was barely able to squeeze in. Go away students!! or at least stop taking public transit!!

There is one thing that will be kind of nice this year. I finally don't have to worry about classes. Although this isn't really a change from the past few months, I am supremely glad I am done with school. Forever. Well at least for now.

My weekend was pretty laid back. All I did on Saturday was eat, eat, and eat some more. Throw in an arboretum concert somewhere in there. Sunday was pretty uneventful. Hung out with coworkers, played some guitar hero, and applied for a couple jobs. I finally started my job search. I hate hate hate the job search process. It's so utterly depressing, especially in the current climate. I guess we'll just see what happens. I suppose I should be glad I at least have a job while I search for a new one.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Weekend Update!

Oh how I enjoy my weekends. The past few weeks at work have been pretty crazy and it's only going to get worse as the first week of class approaches. It was nice to not have anywhere to go on Friday night. I was able to just unwind at home while watching the amazing opening ceremony for the Olympics. I went to bed at midnight which is pretty unheard of for Friday night.

On Saturday, I watched the Mummy 3 (which is not good...) and then watched the CalPhil perform some awesome movie scores at the arboretum. I love the outdoor concerts they have at the arboretum. It's so close and parking isn't a hassle.

Sunday, i spent the day with some coworker friends and then went to the Hollywood Bowl to watch Les Mis in concert with Scuz. There is really no other musical that can compare to the music of Les Mis. The music is so powerful and moving. I've seen it at least seven times and it never gets old.

So that was my weekend. Relaxing concerts and quality time with friends. Life is good.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

birthdays everywhere!

So this past weekend was the weekend of birthdays. Apparently, everyone and their mom was born sometime this past week. Basically my weekend consisted attending bday dinners and celebrations. Tons of money was spent on booze and food. Man i'm never gonna be able to move out at this rate...

oh wells.