Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year all! It's hard to believe it's already 2009. 2008 was a pretty eventful year. Some highlights:

- finally completing my masters degree
- the untimely passing of my uncle
- May 16
- NASPA conference at Boston
- FSA conference in Vegas
- visiting Farouk at Washington DC
- November 22
- Hawaii for Claudia's Wedding

I don't think I've ever visited so many places in a single year. I'm hoping 2009 will be just as eventful if not more so. For the first time, I'm actually going to set some concrete resolutions that I will make a genuine effort at trying to complete.

1. Find a new job
2. Move out
3. Stop hiding

I'm very much looking forward to 2009, especially if I am able to stick to my resolutions.

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