Saturday, January 31, 2009


i had an interview on friday. right before my interview, i spilled coffee on my white shirt.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

so...the dean mentioned in the previous post spilled coffee on herself while in my office. i'm not gonna lie...i kinda enjoyed it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

so...i've made some progress on my new years resolutions. i have officially stopped hiding. next on my agenday...find a new job. i'm making some progress on this front too. i have an interview on friday for a job that's pretty similar to what i'm doing now, but pays more which will be nice.

now for a brief rant. i found out from my boss today that the dean wants him to write me up for a small little mistake i made. the ONLY reason the dean is mad is because it made her look bad. i'm not just angry about being written up. i'm all for owning up to my mistakes, but really...this is so not a big deal. she is being very petty and her methods at reprimanding her staff does nothing for morale. even my boss thinks it's overboard, but he can't not write me up. this incident happened 3 weeks ago, and he hasn't written me up yet because he's hoping she'll just get over it. LAME....just another reason to find a new job sooner.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So it's that season where all the movie studios are pushing their oscar worthy movies. so here's a brief rundown of the ones i've seen.

the curious case of benjamin button - very long but a good story and well acted.
slumdog millionaire - kept me awake even though i was half asleep by the end of the previews. it was surpisingly good.
milk - very interesting to learn the story about the first elected gay official. it's kinda sad that the same arguments were used for prop 8 as were used for prop 6. except prop 8 actually passed. so i guess we took a step back in the fight for equality.
seven pounds - interesting plot but a bit too slow
the spirit - i know this isn't one of the award movies, but i did watch it and it sucked.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year all! It's hard to believe it's already 2009. 2008 was a pretty eventful year. Some highlights:

- finally completing my masters degree
- the untimely passing of my uncle
- May 16
- NASPA conference at Boston
- FSA conference in Vegas
- visiting Farouk at Washington DC
- November 22
- Hawaii for Claudia's Wedding

I don't think I've ever visited so many places in a single year. I'm hoping 2009 will be just as eventful if not more so. For the first time, I'm actually going to set some concrete resolutions that I will make a genuine effort at trying to complete.

1. Find a new job
2. Move out
3. Stop hiding

I'm very much looking forward to 2009, especially if I am able to stick to my resolutions.